The Monstera Deliciosa has become one of the most popular houseplants. It was first introduced as in indoor plant back in the 1950s and has gained immense popularity since then. Today I am going to share how to propagate a Monstera and my results so you too can have this wonderful plant in your home.
My daughter used to live in Texas and got a beautiful Monstera plant from the Magnolia Market. I recently helped them move from Texas to California. When we got to California I asked if I could take a cutting to make my own Monstera.
She of course said yes so the night before I left to fly home I made a cutting and left it sit on the kitchen table then put it in my suitcase the next morning for the flight home.
I am happy to say that the plant cutting survived and I was able to make my own Monstera Deliciosa for my home, and it was essentially from the Magnolia Market which I think is super cool. I am a big fan of Johanna Gains and the Fixer Upper show.

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A little info about the Monstera Deliciosa
Monstera Deliciosa is native to Central America. It grows at the base of trees and is considered a vining plant. In its natural habitat, it can grow up the trees, sometimes to almost 50 feet long!
It is also known as a swiss cheese plant because of the holes in the leaves. These holes allow light to get to the bottom leaves of the plant.
Monstera loves medium to bright indirect light. Direct light can scorch their leaves.
The leaves are a dark glossy green and heart-shaped. The more mature leaves get the swiss cheese holes, while younger ones do not have them.
When to Propagate a Monstera
The best time of the year to propagate a Monstera is in the spring and summer. You can do it in the fall and winter but the process might take a little longer.
You can propagate a monstera when you have leaves that have grown and have a node at the base. If it doesn’t have a node you cannot grow new roots.
How to propagate a Monstera
There are a few different ways to propagate plants. My grandmother and mother always propagated in water so that is my go-to method. It’s also the method I used to propagate my monstera.
Step 1: Make a cutting

Here is a photo of my daughter’s beautiful Monstera before we made the road trip from Texas to California. It was in fabulous shape but once we got to Cali it wasn’t looking this good.
Two of the three legs of the pot broke and because we left it in the car overnight for a few nights the cold did a number on some of the leaves. One piece was very floppy so my daughter told me to just cut that whole section off.
Make sure whatever you use to cut the plant is clean. Find a spot that is below a node or aerial root and make a clean cut.
This is especially important. You will not get any roots to grow if you don’t have a node.
I didn’t take a picture of it but I cut two stems off my daughter’s plant and I let it sit on the table overnight to create a little blister on the cut. Then I put it in my suitcase and brought it back to Ohio.

Here is what a node looks like. As you can see this is during the process of growing roots but you can see where I made the cut from the old plant.
Step 2: Find a vessel
You will need a container that is large enough to hold up your cuttings and can hold water without leaking.
I personally like to use something clear. If it’s clear then you can easily see if roots are growing.
In this case, I used one of our tall water glasses.
Step 3: Put the cutting in water
Place the cutting in the vessel and fill with water. Make sure the water covers the nodes and aerial roots.
As soon as I got home from the airport I put my two cuttings in a glass filled with water.
It will take 2-4 weeks but you will notice small white roots emerging from the nodes. Wait a few more weeks until those roots have grown in length. It took a while for the roots to appear but once they did they grew really fast.

Step 4: Plant cutting in a new pot
It only took about two to three weeks before I saw these roots emerging. I waited another few weeks before putting the cuttings in a pot with dirt. I waited for two reasons, I didn’t have a pot or moss pole yet to put them in and I wanted my roots to get a little longer before planting.
Use well-draining soil for your new monstera.
Step 5: Caring for the new cutting
Once you plant your cuttings keep the soil moist. Allow the dirt to dry out on the top inch or two then water again.
You might need a moss pole for your plant, or a stake to support the stems if they are very long. I created my own moss pole using materials I already have on hand.
It’s also a good idea to fertilize your new plant during the growing season.
Other Ways to Propagate a Monstera
There are two other ways to propagate a monstera. You can use rooting hormone and put your cutting directly into the soil. Make sure you keep the soil moist all the time.
The other method is air layering. What you will do is get some sphagnum moss and soak it in water for 15 minutes. Wring any excess moister out then wrap around the node. Use some plastic wrap to wrap up the moss and use a twist tie to close it up. You want to keep the moss moist.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Monstera Deliciosa
Are Monsteras good for beginners?
Monsteras are a great plant for beginners! They are very forgiving. All they need is a bright spot and a consistent watering and your Monstera should be good to go!
What kind of soil do you use?
The best kind of soil is the kind you make. I don’t have the luxury of the space to have all the different elements in my garage, we chose to get both our cars in instead. So I used an organic potting soil from Happy Frog. My daughter used a tropical soil she got at Home Depot.
How do I know when to transfer it to a new pot?
When you see roots growing out of the bottom of the pot then it’s time to transfer to a bigger pot. If you are propagating and you see nice long roots, at least a few inches long, then you can put them in a pot to grow.
When do you fertilize a Monstera?
It’s best to fertilize during the growing season which is the spring and summer. How often really depends on the fertilizer you use.
Where do I cut on a Monstera to propagate?
You should cut halfway between the node or aerial root and the next leaf down.
Can you propagate from a leaf?
You can propagate from a leaf as long as it has a node or aerial root. If it doesn’t have one then you would just be wasting your time, it won’t grow new roots.
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As a licensed Real Estate Agent and an avid home decorator, I strive to give my clients the very best I can when it comes to staging, selling, and decorating their homes. I have lots of experience with paint color choices and love to DIY my home so I can have everything just the way I want it. I share my ideas and projects with the world in the hopes that I can help others have their homes just the way they want as well.