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Why Are My Snake Plant Leaves Turning Yellow?

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Snake plants are one of the most popular plants because they are very forgiving of their conditions but sometimes they don’t thrive. We are going to do a deep dive into why snake plant leaves are turning yellow and what things you can do to fix them.

Snake plants are one of the best plants for beginners because they are so easy to care for. They work in many different lights, from bright indirect all the way to very low light. They can be forgotten about and they won’t be mad at you for not watering them.

Every so often a snake plant leaf will turn yellow and you will have to investigate why because you don’t want to lose the plant.

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A photo of a snake plant with one leaf that is yellow and falling over with text overlay.

Snake Plant Leaves Turning Yellow

There are a number of reasons why your snake plant might have leaves that are turning yellow. After reading these you can investigate which one might be the reason your snake plant is having trouble.

Too Much Water

This is the most common reason why a snake plant might have yellowing leaves. You should definitely determine how much water your plant needs and how often.

The Snake Plant is a succulent therefore it doesn’t require a lot of water. If you overwater this plant you will essentially drown it and the leaves will turn yellow and droop.

I had this issue with my snake plant, you can see from the photo below.

A snake plant that is too big for the pot and has a mushy leaf falling over.

    Improper Soil

    The type of soil you use is also very important. Because the Snake Plant is a succulent you should really consider using a succulent soil.

    A soil that is too compact and doesn’t drain well will cause the leaves to turn yellow and droop.

    A soil that doesn’t have the right nutrients will also cause the plant to wilt.

    It’s very important to have the right type of soil for your plants. I highly recommend this potting soil for Snake Plants and other succulents.

    Variable Temperatures

    Make sure your plant isn’t near a vent and is being blasted with air conditioning or heat. A drafty window or door will also cause harm to your Snake Plant.

    They like to be in a place where the temperature is consistent otherwise their leaves will show stress.

    Direct Sunlight

    One thing that makes the snake plant so popular is the fact that it can thrive in bright indirect light or in a low light area. But direct sunlight can cause the plant a significant amount of stress which can manifest itself in yellowing leaves.

    The best situation for your Snake Plant is near a window where it won’t receive direct light but a bright indirect light.


    You know what they say, too much of a good thing is bad! Overfertilizing your plant will cause it to turn yellow and wilt.

    This especially can happen during the winter months when the plant isn’t actively growing. Make sure to fertilize regularly in the summer but during colder months they need it much less often.


    Common plant pests can also have this effect on the Snake Plant. Insects like scale, mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites eat the nutrients in the plant’s leaves which causes them to turn yellow and die.

    A small snake plant in a small white pot with text overlay.

    How to Keep Snake Plant Leaves from Turning Yellow?

    Make sure you are very well educated on Snake Plant Care. I have a whole article detailing everything you need to know.

    If you do start seeing issues with your Snake Plant go through the list above and determine what is causing the leaves to turn yellow and address that issue.

    A bunch of snake plants in black and terra cotta pots with text overlay.

    How to Treat Snake Plant Leaves that are Turning Yellow?

    The first thing you need to do is cut off the yellow leaves with a sharp knife or scissors. It is not going to green up again so it’s best to discard it.

    Narrow down from the list just what you think might be the problem and take appropriate steps to modify the plant.

    If you feel like the plant is getting too much moisture or the soil is holding too much water then remove the plant from the pot and replace the potting soil with one that is appropriate for succulents.

    Leave the plant in the new soil until the plant roots are dry then water with just the right amount of water.

    If you notice the sun hitting your plant at any time of the day or the leaves look a little sunburnt them move the plant further away from the window.

    Make sure the plant isn’t near a vent or drafty window. Keep the temperature fluctuations from being too much.

    If you see pests on the plant identify exactly what it is and treat your plant for them. There are plenty of organic treatments that you can use that aren’t harmful to people and animals in your home.

    Lastly, make sure you are fertilizing at the right time and not too often. How often you fertilize will depend on the time of year. Refer to my complete guide for Snake Plant care for more details.

    Other Plant Posts:

    A snake Plant in a light brown pot on the floor next to a window.

    As a licensed Real Estate Agent and an avid home decorator, I strive to give my clients the very best I can when it comes to staging, selling, and decorating their homes. I have lots of experience with paint color choices and love to DIY my home so I can have everything just the way I want it. I share my ideas and projects with the world in the hopes that I can help others have their homes just the way they want as well.

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