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$100 Room Challenge Week 2 – transforming my breakfast nook

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It’s week 2 of the $100 Room Challenge and I am transforming my breakfast nook!  I forgot to mention last week that this is my first time participating.  Erin over at Lemons, Lavender and Laundry started this challenge a couple years ago.  It’s a great way to challenge yourself to redo a room on a serious budget.  I have also really enjoyed taking a look at what all the other participants are doing.  There are some seriously cool projects going on and you can check them out too by clicking the links at the bottom of this post.  For the full description of what my plan of action is to turn my boring kitchen eat in area (aka breakfast nook) into a cool industrial space with a coffee bar then click here.

I got all excited to go shopping for materials but in week 2 I encountered some obstacles. .  I needed a 1×12 cut into 3 pieces, basically 4 foot lengths.  It is so cool that they will do this at the store for you!!!  Then I trotted on over to the plumbing department.  I finally found the pipes and flanges and my eyes about popped out of my head!  I needed 8 pipes and 16 flanges….they were all well over $4 a piece!  Well, not all that costly when you need one but when you need about 24 pieces holy cow!  That was totally going to break my budget.  😥


So I picked up my 3 boards, which I had to buy because I already had them cut, and headed to the check out.  Totally defeated.  I got home and immediately got on my iPad and searched for other options, I searched for other materials to use, and for pipes and flanges at other stores.  Here is what I found, the other options for braces aren’t nearly as cool as the plumbing pipe.  UGH!

How to Update every room in your home


When looking for flanges on other sites I found that there were different types!  So back to the Home Depot site I found that they have some with 2 in a package for the same price as the one I saw at the store!  BINGO!  The only problem was they were not in stock anywhere in my vicinity.  Then I checked the website at Menards and found some for similar price and they are having an 11% rebate sale!!!!!


Finally, I am so happy that I have figured it out.  I was so upset and now I have a renewed excitement.


As far as the boards I brought home I managed to get them sanded and stained and am in the process of getting polyurethane on them.  Here are some pictures.  It was a gorgeous day when I did it.

$100 Room Challenge

$100 Room Challenge


$100 Room Challenge


$100 Room Challenge

Please don’t stop here… one of the links below and check out some of the other renovations.  I promise, you won’t regret checking out these amazing ladies!

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As a licensed Real Estate Agent and an avid home decorator, I strive to give my clients the very best I can when it comes to staging, selling, and decorating their homes. I have lots of experience with paint color choices and love to DIY my home so I can have everything just the way I want it. I share my ideas and projects with the world in the hopes that I can help others have their homes just the way they want as well.

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Wednesday 20th of September 2017

Wow, so glad you found a way to make it work!


Tuesday 19th of September 2017

We love that Lowe's will cut wood for you. We always have them cut wood for us. Its so easy and saves us so much time. Can't wait to see what all you do!!

Erin- Lemons, Lavender, & Laundry

Monday 18th of September 2017

I had that same moment of "WHAT!" when looking for plumbing parts. I was thinking less than a dollar each, but nope. So glad you were able to figure out what you needed to do. The shelves are looking absolutely gorgeous. Love the stain color you chose.

Marly @ A Brick Home

Monday 18th of September 2017

I love the color stain you used! I am so excited to see how it turns out!! Keep up the great work!

-Marly :)

Maria - Dapper House Designs

Friday 15th of September 2017

Don't you hate it when you are envisioning something and then you're smacked back to reality because you have a budget?! lol. I'm glad you found an alternative and I'm sure it's going to look just as nice! Loving the wood stain color by the way! It's going to look amazing, can't wait to see it all pulled together!

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