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DIY Jingle Bell Ornaments

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If you are looking for a quick, easy, and fun craft you have to try these DIY Jingle Bell Ornaments. They require few materials and only about 5 minutes of your time! But they are the cutest thing and you can hang them on the tree, use them on packages, and many more things!

I was working on some crafts this past summer for a Christmas in July theme and bought this bag of small jingle bells. I thought wouldn’t they be cute as a mini wreath!

This is a great craft for elementary school children. It requires fine motor skills but doesn’t have anything dangerous in it where they can get hurt. As long as mom or dad does the cutting of the wires.

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DIY Jingle Bell Ornaments

Let’s start out with what you are going to need for this project. You might have a lot of it already on hand. I had the wire, ribbon, and jingle bells. I had to purchase the bows and I found them at my local Hobby Lobby.

For the wire, I used floral wire. If you don’t have it and need to buy something opt for something in the 15-20 gauge. The higher the number the smaller the wire. I have 30 gauge wire and it was too thin, that’s why I opted for the floral wire.


  • wire
  • jingle bells
  • ribbon
  • bows
  • wire cutters

Step 1 – Cut your wire and add jingle bells

First you need to unroll your wire and decide how big you want your jingle bell ornament to be. If your wire has a funky shape you can do what I did and wrap it around a water bottle to make it smooth and slightly circular.

I gathered a wire and wire cutters and the cut wire for the craft and laid them out on a white table.

Thread your jingle bells onto the wire until you have a full circle of jingle bells.

I am threading the jingle bell onto the floral wire.

Wrap the wires around each other to secure the circle. Cut off any excess.

The gold jingle bells are on the wire and I wrapped the wire pieces around each other to complete the ring.

Step 2 – Add the ribbon and bow

Now you want to cut a ribbon about 6 inches long and wrap it around the area you secured the wires. Tie the ends together.

I gathered the next materials, the jingle bell ring, a black and white buffalo check bow and red ribbon.

The bows I bought have twisties on the back for securing to your ribbon (or whatever you are securing it to for other crafts). So place the bow where you want and twist the ends together to secure it all together.

The little black and white buffalo check bows I bought from Hobby Lobby.

This will keep your ribbon from sliding around on the jingle bells and showing the part where you tied the wires together.

The finished jingle bell ornament laying on my white table.

Jingle Bell Ornaments Finished!

Here is the finished product and I couldn’t love it more! It was so easy and fun, and did I mention fast! You could easily pump out a bunch of these and use them on packages to make them more festive!

I also plan on using them on a DIY advent calendar I am working on. The possibilities are endless!

The jingle bell ornament hanging from a Christmas tree.
The jingle bell ornament hanging from a flocked Christmas tree.
A jingle bell ornament with black and white bow and red ribbon hanging on a Christmas tree.

Here are some other Christmas Ornaments you might like!

Jingle bell ornament pin for Pinterest.

As a licensed Real Estate Agent and an avid home decorator, I strive to give my clients the very best I can when it comes to staging, selling, and decorating their homes. I have lots of experience with paint color choices and love to DIY my home so I can have everything just the way I want it. I share my ideas and projects with the world in the hopes that I can help others have their homes just the way they want as well.

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